The Additional Learning Needs Code

Belonging, Engaging and Participating: Guidance on improving learner engagement and attendance

Framework on embedding a whole-school approach to emotional and mental well-being

NEST/NYTH Framework

Inclusion and Pupil Support

A No Wrong Door Approach to Neurodiversity: a Book of Experiences

A short guide to understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences and a Trauma and ACE (TrACE) informed approach

Estyn Report : Improving attendance in secondary schools

A Practical Handbook on Adverse Childhood Experiences

Welsh Parliament Children, Young People and Education Committee: Do disabled children and young people have equal access to education and childcare?

Welsh Parliament Children, Young People and Education Committee Implementation of education reforms: Interim Report

Learning Support Guidance

Ways of supporting learners with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Ways of supporting learners with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Ongoing Statistics

Welsh Government: Attendance of pupils in maintained schools

Welsh Government: Permanent and fixed-term exclusions from schools