At Helping Kids Shine Limited we typically work with children, young people and their families by helping them to address any difficulties that they may be experiencing in day to day life, with a focus on supporting their independence and wellbeing at home, in education and in the community.

Understanding Anxiety and Barriers to School Attendance.
Support, Training and Therapy Groups.

Welcome to Chi, where we are dedicated to enhancing the health, confidence, and well-being of adults and children in Wales through education. We offer a range of comprehensive services designed to empower individuals and create a brighter future for our communities.

Bridgend Carers Centre support people caring for family members, partners, friends or neighbours. We help with information, advice, support and social events to help you in your caring role.

Behaviour Support Hub is a parent-led organisation that delivers practical support and advice to parent carers in Wales of children and young people with behaviours that challenge, inclusive of additional needs possibly due to Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and associated conditions.

ALN Reform Wales has been set up as an independent inclusive group as a “Think Tank” for debate, research and advocacy on important issues for disabled people, cares, their families and the organisations that support us in Wales. At this time, people from all-over Wales are coming together independently to consider how “ALN Reforms Wales” are going.

Do you have a young person who is struggling in school, who might be anxious to attend, who might be refusing to get ready and out the door on time? Does your young person seem to be struggling with day to day life, is it challenging, and turning every day routines into arguments? We’ve been there, and we can help.

Parent and Carer Support Group who Campaign for improved mental health and neurodiversity services by working Collaboratively with all sectors in Wales

Set up by DASH Mental Health, Wellbeing & Behaviour, the Supporting Beyond Behaviours Project has been designed to provide you with ongoing support and psychoeducation based around developing your understanding, skills and knowledge when it comes to supporting your child’s emotional, social and behavioural needs. To find out more, click the link.

AP Cymru are striving to create a neuro-inclusive world for children, young people and their families by providing a toolkit of guidance, knowledge and understanding of neurodiversity through authentic lived-experience.

Finding the Flex exists to support families and schools in co-creating flexischooling arrangements that better meet the needs of children.

Crossroads Educational Consultants provide support and empowerment to parents who are considering home education for their child. We believe that a child’s well-being is essential to their ability to learn, which is why we work closely with parents to develop an educational plan that caters to both their learning and well-being needs.